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Pine AI - Details

Formula Generator

Generate custom Excel formulas in seconds, simply by explaining what you need

in English or in your native tongue.


Formula Check

Check Excel formulas for errors and correct them automatically and in seconds.

Formula Description

Get a detailed description of what an Excel formula does.

VBA Generator

Generate custom VBA code in seconds, simply by explaining what you need

in English or in your native tongue.


VBA Check

Check VBA code for errors and correct it automatically and in seconds.

VBA Description

Get a detailed description of what a VBA code does.

Cell Analysis


Analyze and transform data directly in your workbook.


Range Analysis


Summarize and analyze data straight from your workbook.


AI Assistant

The answer to all your Excel related questions.



The Settings menu allows the user to activate and manage the Pine AI license.

Key Features

  • Generate formulas by explaining what you need in plain text

    • Multiple languages supported

  • Fix Formulas​

  • Explain Formulas

  • Generate and Run VBA Code​​

  • Fix VBA Code

  • Explain VBA Code

  • Analyze data directly from the workbook

  • General assistant


Publisher: Pinexl Ltd.

Supported OS: Windows 7 SP1 or higher*, Windows 8,10 & 11. Both 32/64 bit.

Supported Excel Version: Excel 2007 or newer

Date Published: 21 March 2023

Current Version: 1.4.2


* If you are using Windows 7, make sure you have Service Pack 1 installed. Pine AI cannot be activated otherwise.


Alexander Y.

"Amazing design and value! Waiting for the next products!"

"I've been using Pinexl dashboards for a few months and love them and the detail they display!"

Steve Sunder

President Sunder Vision Solutions

"Amazing! This would really help me a lot in my new role! Looking forward to more such creative dashboards!"

Mohamed F.

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