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Pine BI

Select a Plan & Purchase

Create advanced dynamic Excel charts in a single click.


Transform your Excel Workbook into a modern Dashboard.


Edit, Present and Share Visualizations just like you would the default Excel Charts.


Works in Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and Office 365.


Currently Supported in Microsoft Windows only.

Works in Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 or higher, Windows 8 and Windows 10.


Free Upgrades and Updates for every plan.

30 Day Badge.png

Please select the desired license type and payment plan to proceed with purchasing.

Was: 100 EUR

Save: 61 EUR (60%)

1 Seat

Was: 250 EUR

Save: 151 EUR (60%)

Only 3.25 EUR per Month

Was: 440 EUR

Save: 265 EUR (60%)

2.92 EUR for 1 Seat per Month

5 Seats

Was: 1,125 EUR

Save: 680 EUR (60%)

89 EUR per Seat

Was: 780 EUR

Save: 468 EUR (60%)

10 Seats

Was: 2,000 EUR

Save: 1,208 EUR (60%)

2.60 EUR for 1 Seat per Month

79 EUR per Seat

Annual Subscription



One-Time Payment

Annual Subscription
This is a recurring payment, automatically made once per year. It can can be cancelled at any time by the user, thus giving flexibility for the future. The subscription payment is managed through PayPal. The user can still pay with a Debit/Credit card only, however a PayPal account will be automatically created at the time of purchase,
so that the user can manage the subscription.


One-Time Payment
This is a perpetual license, which does not expire. The cost is lower over the long term and does not require a PayPal account at all.


There are three license types - Single Seat, Five Seats and Ten Seats.

The number of seats shows the number of computers that Pine BI can be activated on
at the same time with a single license.

  • The price per seat of the Five Seats license is with 10% less than the Single Seat license.

  • The price per seat of the Ten Seats license is with 20% less than the Single Seat license.


Money Back Guarantee

If you find that the Pine BI is not the right tool for you we'll issue a full refund within 30 days after your purchase!

This means there is absolutely no risk for you!

If a refund is made, the serial number will be deactivated and you'll no longer be able to use Pine BI.


Alexander Y.

"Amazing design and value! Waiting for the next products!"

"I've been using Pinexl dashboards for a few months and love them and the detail they display!"

Steve Sunder

President Sunder Vision Solutions

"Amazing! This would really help me a lot in my new role! Looking forward to more such creative dashboards!"

Mohamed F.

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